*This weeks podcast & this post are companion pieces. When I started working on this, I wasn’t sure how bargain hunting worked or who was behind it…I just knew that talking to “The Target Bargain Hunter” would answer some question. Our conversation...
This is the last thing I’ll write about parenting before we become a Two-Kid-Household. It’s the sum of everything I’ve experienced during our second pregnancy…from when I’m still in it, no hindsight, nothing foggy in memory, total reality – this is everything…and...
Augustine has traveled a lot. I think by the time she was 4…right before the pandemic…she’d already taken 200 flights. She’s traveled more before 1st Grade than I did in my entire childhood – visiting 35+ States and about half-dozen international destinations. I...
We Need to talk about Musical Chairs …Musical Chairs might be what’s really wrong with the world. I’m going to describe a game to you, and you have to decide if you want to play it. Here goes : You want to play it – there’s a prize What’s the prize – who cares....